Program score gains
Bodsat students gain on average 42% of the points remaining to a perfect score. For example, a 27/36 ACT (87th percentile) on average will rise to a 31/36 (97th percentile). An SAT 1200/1600 (81st percentile) on average will rise to a 1370/1600 (96th percentile).
Post program score gains
Students who want to exceed our average gains after their programs are completed will be empowered to continue to work effectively on their own. Because of the nature of the Bodsat Method, which teaches students to "coach themselves," students do not need coaches once they have finished the program. Moreover, with their note-filled binders, their guidebooks, a library of videos, unlimited essay feedback and extra practice tests, students will be able to continue to make effective gains on their own even if it has been months since they finished the program. We don't believe in fostering a dependency on our teachers, and we take our motto "Empowering Serious Learners" seriously.
Hardwiring useful skills and efficient work habits
To increase scores into the 90%+, students need to learn the skills and acquire the habits that these tests were intended to reward. That means that the most effective prep focuses on the skills and habits that colleges believe correlate with success at their schools. Indeed, because Bodsat Prep programs teach these skills and habits, they often have a transformational effect on students: when educationally valuable processes become hardwired into the teenage brain, it makes it that much easier to do good work forever after, without so much effort.
Learning the "Art of Improvement"
An essential quality of any standardized test is that, all else being equal, if you change nothing, your score will be the same no matter which test you take. Consequently, Bodsat students find that standardized tests can be excellent laboratories for self-analysis and positive change. Anything students change between one test and another will have a quantifiable impact, and once evaluated, those changes can be kept, discarded or refined. Students can see in black and white how, for example, more sleep equates to a better score, or how a negative mindset leads to a lower score. This skill of finding and fixing impediments to your own progress can be applied to any endeavor. Indeed, Bodsat alumnae frequently credit our program for teaching an approach that has helped them in college and beyond. We try to give our students a taste of reinventing themselves by giving them the inspiration, the urgency, and the tools to change old habits.
Increased productivity means a better work/life balance
When it is impossible for a student to stay in "test-taking mode" beyond the second or third hour (about the time when their willpower to fight bad work habits becomes depleted), poor work habits are probably to blame. In other words, a four hour test really tests students' general work habits. Any habits that cost them time or accuracy will lower their scores. Any that increase their productivity will increase their scores. By the end of the program, Bodsat students will have come a long way toward increasing their general work efficiency, which will help them create a satisfying work/life balance. And neuroscience tells us that 16 and 17-year-olds' brains are going through their final major growth spurts, so those lessons get hardwired for life.
Higher scores help students attend better-fit schools
This part of the equation is simple: a higher SAT score gives you a better chance of getting into your first choice school. And attending the school most suited to your personality and skills can extend your opportunities throughout your life.
A great score can save you tuition money
SAT/ACT scores can be worth a great deal of scholarship money. With total college costs soaring past $250,000, even a few percentage points of savings can mean tens of thousands of dollars. In addition to improving your chances of receiving a merit-based scholarship, Bodsat Prep can help you reach the higher score you need for entrance to the UC of your choice, which can save up to $100,000.
Don't take our word for it!
My son's PSAT score qualified him as a National Merit Scholar. Because of that, he received many offers for full and partial college scholarships, including a Presidential Scholarship for half tuition at USC where he will attend. There is no doubt that the test prep he did in the fall for his SAT allowed him to score high also on the PSAT.
Susan Rideout, parent, Athenian High School
Just wanted to relay to you that when Ben got some substantially improved SAT scores this morning, the first thing he did was yell, and the second thing he said was that "Bodsat helped a lot".
Trask, parent, Crystal Springs Uplands School
So, yeah! Thank you again. BodSAT prepared me so, so well for the SAT, and revolutionized my test-taking strategies in general.
Sarah, student, Lick
I just wanted to thank you for being a FANTASTIC SAT tutor and making it possible to even consider applying to any of these schools! This is a literal dream come true.
Alexandra, student, Los Gatos High School
I hope you will understand how very pleased we are and grateful to you for your good consult. You have definitely impacted our son's and our lives for the better and I believe these impacts will be life-long for all of us.
William, parent, Lick
I knew you guys were different and unique the minute I met you for our initial evaluation. The energy you have is infectious.
Munira, parent, SF
It's amazing what you have been able to help my daughter achieve with just 12 hours. Clearly you know how to help kids like her.
Wen Wen, parent, Branson
Bodsat skills are going to be so useful for my son for college and beyond that I had forgotten it was test prep. My son feels exhilarated at the possibilities of a new self-awareness in learning.
Darothy, parent, Lick Wilmerding High School
For the first time, I feel like my weaknesses in test-taking have been fully analyzed. All past tutors accepted my carelessness as immutable fact. With this program, I've learned strategies to combat the carelessness and maximize my performance.
Kimberly, student, University High School
I was confident on test day. The program was FUN. I felt I had the ability to see through the test questions in a way that gave me more power.
Zoe, student, University High School