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About Us

Megan deVries, CEO & Master Tutor

"I tell my students, 'This is your journey.' Too many educators only teach with the methods that worked for them. Your education is yours. Understanding what you want and how you learn empowers you to find and follow a successful and meaningful life path. That does not mean you will never do anything that you would prefer not to do or that everything will come easily. That's where I can support you." -Megan

Outside of Bodsat Prep, Megan provides academic and motivational tutoring as well as educational consulting. She tutors in most subjects from beginning reading to college-level calculus including general homework support and test preparation for ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, ACT, SAT, APs, GRE, and GMAT. For more information about Megan, visit AboutYouEd.com.

Our Team

Nina Iyengar, Tutor & Head Teacher

Nina is a true advocate for students and a remarkable educator. She has been preparing students and training teachers for the SAT/ACT since 2010 and has a special talent for supporting gifted students. A graduate of Boston University in Psychology, English, and Women's Studies and UCLA's School of Law, Nina is organized, proactive, approachable, and incredibly multi-faceted. She has been leading Bodsat Prep seminars for nearly a decade.

Outside of Bodsat Prep, Nina works on behalf of her community as a government attorney and has spent years advocating for foster youth and victims of violence.

Megan Burstein, Program Director

We began trying to hire Megan Burstein roughly five years before she was able to leave her former position to join Bodsat Prep; she's that awesome! Megan manages registrations, material creation, student progress, and Bodsat's internal systems. Megan's attention to detail, efficiency, and professionalism enable her to support our students, their families, and their college counseling teams as well as our internal teams. She is an incredible asset.

Outside of Bodsat Prep, Megan keeps busy with her family in her roles as swim mom, soccer mom, softball mom, and rescue dog mom.

Andrew Lovett, Tutor

Andrew and Megan have collaborated for years, and hence Andrew thoroughly understands Bodsat methodologies. Andrew co-teaches the Bodsat Prep SAT seminar with Megan and supports individual SAT students. Andrew brings to his work his own wide-ranging experiences teaching middle through high school to diverse groups of students. Andrew understands Bodsat students well; not only did he graduate in the top of his classes from University High School in San Francisco, but also from Stanford and Harvard.

Outside of Bodsat Prep, Andrew makes use of the time-honored insights of the humanities to help students in the following areas: academic support, admissions strategy, and test prep. To learn more about Andrew, visit liminus.com